Grocery Reform - David Seymour in the Wrong Aisle
Among the chorus of voices applauding the Grocery Commissioner's annual report last week, one lone dissenter stuck out like a packet of...
Foodstuffs - Yet Another Submission. Its all about the TMO.
Following is my personal submission to the latest stage of the ComCom investigation into the Foodstuffs South Island/Norh Island merger...
Supermarkets' Fine Should be $6 Billion
So Foodstuffs North Island have negotiated a settlement with the Commerce Commission over their long-term use of land covenants to stop...
Time to Turbocharge the Commerce Commission
My opinion piece from The Post and elsewhere yesterday is online at Time to turbocharge the Commerce Commission | The Post For those...
Commerce Commission Banking Conference
I spent a couple of days this week attending the ComCom's conference on its market study on banking. It was like a flashback to the days...
OECD Tables Possible NZ Supermarket Breakup
The latest OECD report on New Zealand's economy, released yesterday, is specifically pointing to the supermarket sector as lacking in...
GAGGING for Fairly Priced Groceries
Ive been absent from blogging on this site for a while, but for a good reason. Ive been preoccupied helping to set up the Grocery Action...
Peter Griffin and "Business of Tech" Podcast
Caught up this week with my old mate Peter Griffin, and recorded this podcast - mainly about the parallels and differences between the...
More Mongrel Please, Pierre!
Here's my opinion piece today in Supermarket News calling on the new Grocery Commissioner to put real focus onto market structure and...
Supermarkets - a Solution
So here's a really good solution to the problem of market failure in the grocery sector, staring us in the face. Foodstuffs are wanting...